Oversee Salt Company and Sunday Morning worship and tech teams; volunteers, systems, and budget.
- Grow as a disciple of Jesus, prioritizing PIERS - Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Relational, and Spiritual Health.
- Consume and contribute during all Ambassador events & meetings as required for staff, per your staff report, and within your area of ministry.
- Maintain the all-staff expectation of a weekly 3-2-1. Three meetings with new/new to you/non-leaders, Two meetings with leaders or people you’re developing, and one hour of prayer weekly.
- Manage all music sets, teams, and equipment
- Manage all atmosphere setting and signage
- Develop strike Team for Ambassador Church and Salt Company
- Lead at least one CGroup
- Raise up leaders to come alongside you as a team to assist you in leading worship
- Oversee and manage all technical aspects of worship gatherings, including understanding live sound engineering principles and training tech volunteers
- Support Raise $2,000 per month
Minor: Engage with passion and creative projects as time and giftedness allows
My Role in a Sentence: My role exists to implement the mission, vision, values, and strategy of the Lead Pastor by leading all the details that our public worship services entail including; setup, music, atmosphere, and signage. Strive to multiply yourself into leaders as a way to build worship teams to assist with Sunday mornings and Thursday nights.
Development Trajectory: Your development trajectory is toward growing in pastoral leadership to lead a team in event organizational matters and shepherd a congregation through song, word, and worship.
- A call to vocational ministry that is identified and affirmed by others
- Ability to lead worship in a diverse range of genres (contemporary, gospel, hymn, etc)
- Some level of experience leading worship in a church / ministry context